Another of our designs as a watercolour.

Another of our designs as a watercolour.
Another of our recent designs as a watercolour.
This triangular garden was required to be transformed to suit all of the members of a growing family. The design rationalised odd shaped garden in line with the house and provided a number of distinct areas.
To see more about this design check out it’s page here
See the design plus images of the finished garden in the design video below
Another of our recent designs as a watercolour.
With several dogs and children this client required a practical solution. The design utilised artificial turf to provide an effective space in the shady site. Raised beds and a fruit and vegetable garden also featured in the design
You can find more details of the garden on it’s page here including the design video
Another of our recent designs as a watercolour.
Here’s one of our latest garden designs. A modern and sleek design for a long narrow plot.
See more about this design on it’s page here
If we can help you with your garden please Contact Us
Another of our recent designs in watercolour form
This 30 meter long narrow garden had been used for many games of football and rugby but now the children had grown the clients wanted a real garden to enjoy.
The brief was to create a design that made the most of the length of the garden while splitting the garden to add visual interest.
To see more on this design check out it’s page here
Below is the video showing the design in 3D and photos of the finished garden
Another of our designs as a watercolour.